


Bug #5133

Launch clamps warp to ships location every 6 km

Added by EddieRod1785 over 9 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

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This issue has been reported but it's not in the 1.0.2 list so I added it again. Basically after launching with clamps you get a major explosion of your rocket shortly after take off due to the clamps re-appearing at the ship every 6km or so. I've had some follow me all the way to orbit. This happens with stock and those awesome FASA clamps too!

Related issues

Is duplicate of Kerbal Space Program - Bug #4874: Launch clamps appearing in mid air, following ship when outside of the launch pad safe areaClosed05/01/2015


#1 Updated by Ted over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Need More Info
  • Severity changed from High to Normal

We need more information on this report. Currently there are no reproduction steps and no logs or save files attached.
Please consider submitting the above information.
Additionally, you submitted that you were playing on the win64 platform of KSP, is this your operating system or are you attempting to run a 64-bit build of KSP.

#2 Updated by EddieRod1785 over 9 years ago

Ah sorry was just reposting. The easiest reproduction steps are to build a pretty heavy rocket using the big tanks and make sure to install at least 8 or more clamps. Do 4 up high and 4 down low then launch. Keep full throttle and do a normal Gravity turn then watch the chaos. Now I will admit it does not always happen but if you build big heavy rockets it happens way more often. As for the win64 I thought that was for OS? Because I use 32 bit for bug testing and when I select win64 I mean windows 64 bit but KSP is 32 bit! I will upload some images using the steps mentioned above a little later when I have time and maybe see if 1.03 has fixed it or not as it just went live yesterday.

#3 Updated by Kasuha over 9 years ago

Ted wrote:

We need more information on this report. Currently there are no reproduction steps and no logs or save files attached.

Please see report #4874 for additional information including reproduction steps and save files.

#4 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Need More Info to Duplicate
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Without the correct information, we can't investigate this any further, This issue does look like a duplicate of #4874 so please direct any further findings to that issue.

#5 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago

  • Related to Bug #4874: Launch clamps appearing in mid air, following ship when outside of the launch pad safe area added

#6 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago

  • Related to deleted (Bug #4874: Launch clamps appearing in mid air, following ship when outside of the launch pad safe area)

#7 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago

  • Is duplicate of Bug #4874: Launch clamps appearing in mid air, following ship when outside of the launch pad safe area added

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