Bug #4908
Vessel in VAB breaks when parking parts in midair
I has several times issues with a vessel in the VAB, all with the following results:
- Staging diagram disappears
- Launch button not working
- Mass, Lenghts, partscounts, etc are all zero.
- Adding new parts is impossible
- Loading a new vessel, leaves the old vessel in the VAB (clipping through each other)
- Moving existing parts is possible, but its impossible to place or park them somewhere else (they stick to your mouse). Also not al the attached parts move with it, leaving parts floating mid air not connected to the parent part (first part placed)
- All connection nodes are disappeared
- With the offset, root and rotation function active you could not select any part
I sadly could not recreate the issue in any reliable way, it happened to me quit random with several vessels. But it always happened when I move and park a part somewhere in midair for later reuse. The problem seams to be related to the vessel itself because other (saved) vessels works fine in the same session.
I tried several solutions:
- Saving and reloading the vessel > No result, vessel still broken. Loading an other vessel > Newly placed vessel works fine, leaving the problem vessel clipping through it however. Exiting VAB and reopen it > No result, other vessels works fine however. Restarting KSP > No result, other vessels works fine however. Rebuilding the exact same vessel -> Works fine, solves problem.
#1 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago
- Platform Win32 added
- Platform deleted (
#2 Updated by TriggerAu over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Clarification
#3 Updated by TriggerAu over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Clarification to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Closing this report out for now. If you find it is still occuring in the latest version of KSP please open a new report (and this one can be linked to it.) For best results, the wiki contains really useful info for when creating a report http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/projects/ksp/wiki.
You can also ask questions about the bug cleanup in the forum here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/143980-time-to-clean-up-the-bug-tracker/ and tag @TriggerAu to get my attention