Bug #3899
Contract doesn't complete even though all sub parts are checked
Attaching a screenshot for proof.
1. Accepted a mission
2. Built a rocket that utilized said engine
3. Activated the rocket during a stage, and successfully landed + recovered the vessel.
4. Saw both checkboxes in contract list get checked during mission
I have two nearly identical contracts accepted (but for different engines), and I built one craft that should be able to complete both of them at the same time. Both contracts are seemingly fully satisfied but still marked as incomplete.
#1 Updated by Grogdor about 10 years ago
Right-click on the motor and click "Run test" when the conditions are met/checked, so in this case just sitting on the launch pad.
#2 Updated by kanelbulle about 10 years ago
Thanks Grogdor, haven't tried it yet, but the description says "... activate the part through the staging sequence when all test conditions are met.". That to me sounds like you just need to make the engine part of one of the stages.
#3 Updated by Grogdor about 10 years ago
Cool story bro; one of the conditions is to "test" the motor. Report back when you do bother to "try" it.
#4 Updated by Master_Tao about 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Need More Info
Grogdor, no need to be rude.
kanelbulle, looks like you staged the engine after leaving the landed condition. Try running the test again, but stage the LV-909 at launch, not during flight.
#5 Updated by RexKramer almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from Need More Info to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
An issue with some (about 25%) of the trivial part test contracts came up during 1.0 experimentals. The issue was corrected prior to 1.0 release. I suspect this may have been related to that issue.
What was occurring was some of the trivial part test contracts were intended to have no velocity requirements. The game was properly (almost..) not displaying any velocity requirements, however hidden in the code was still a requirement for zero velocity. The zero velocity requirement was not visible to the player, and of course not really possible to achieve in flight anyway.
Marking resolved.
kanelbulle, if you see this again in 1.0 either revive this report with the additional info or log a new tracker report. And thanks for the report!
#6 Updated by TriggerAu over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed