


Feedback #3376

SP+ Wingtips should have a blunt Attachement-Surface

Added by MalfunctionM1Ke over 10 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Needs Clarification
Target version:
English (US)
Mod Related:
Arrow u r green
Arrow d r red


The former Wings like the DeltaWing had a blunt Wingtip that allowed to attach RCS-Ports on them that were aligned with the direction the Wing was attached to the Fuselage of the Plane. (Figure 1)

With the new SP+-Parts this is not the case anymore. RCS-Ports (or other smaller parts) attach now with the surface of the leading edge or the outlet edge. (Figure 2)
Sketchwork attached (Figure 3)

The attachement Area should have a small blunt area on the Wingtip like the actual model of the wing has.
This would make it a lot easier and more ergonomic to attach small Parts on an area of the new Wings that looks very inviting to do so.

image.png.jpeg (242 KB) image.png.jpeg Figure 1 MalfunctionM1Ke, 10/18/2014 08:52 AM
2014-10-18_00003.jpg (362 KB) 2014-10-18_00003.jpg Figure 2 MalfunctionM1Ke, 10/18/2014 08:52 AM
skizze.png (30.2 KB) skizze.png Figure 3 MalfunctionM1Ke, 10/18/2014 08:53 AM


#1 Updated by locob over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Confirmed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

Yes. Currently is difficult put something aligned in there. If we can't get a "blunt" attachment surface there, would be good it we could place a part exactly in the corner and align the part with the planned gizmos.

#2 Updated by Squelch about 10 years ago

The newly revised Editor and the "Gizmos" should make placing parts easier now.

Please provide some feedback on how these are working to achieve your construction?

#3 Updated by MalfunctionM1Ke about 10 years ago

Squelch wrote:

The newly revised Editor and the "Gizmos" should make placing parts easier now.

Please provide some feedback on how these are working to achieve your construction?

Hi Squelch,

the Gizmos do not chance any of the problem. If you want to place an RCS-Port for example in a 90° angle to the direction the plane is traveling on this wingtip, you have to rotate it around using the Gizmos or the Keyboard-Shortcuts, which are accessable with much less effort.

I am still missing this little spot on the tip of the Deltawings where you can place something in a 90° angle.

#4 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago

  • Platform Win32 added
  • Platform deleted (Windows)

#5 Updated by TriggerAu over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Confirmed to Needs Clarification
  • % Done changed from 10 to 0

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