


Bug #2927

Inconsistent state after switching vessels using double click in map view

Added by pq over 10 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
% Done:


English (US)
Mod Related:
Arrow u r green
Arrow d r red


Step to reproduce:
- accept some contracts
- launch two vessels in a stable orbit, complete some contract
- from the tracking station switch control to one of the vessels
- press m to switch to map view, then double click on the other vessel

What is observed:
- all information about contract is reset instantly in the save file, (all completed and active contracts are removed, the available contracts are regenerated)
- the button in top right toolbar (resources, contract, etc) appear doubled (i.e., they appear twice in the toolbar)
- the UI becomes unresponsive (buttons have visual feedback but do not have any effect). It is impossible to change vessel again, or go back to command center. Cmd+q works to close the game, however the current vessel parameters are not updated in the savefile

The bug can be observed in version 0.24, 0.24.1 and 0.24.2, updated from Steam. Current build installed

KSP.log (112 KB) KSP.log log file pq, 09/03/2014 07:53 AM
persistent.sfs (64.7 KB) persistent.sfs save file before switching vessels pq, 09/03/2014 07:53 AM
persistent.sfs (59 KB) persistent.sfs after switching vessels pq, 09/03/2014 07:54 AM
Player.log (283 KB) Player.log [email protected] pq, 09/04/2014 09:36 AM
Auto-Saved Ship.craft (55.7 KB) Auto-Saved Ship.craft [email protected] pq, 09/04/2014 09:38 AM
Screen Shot 2014-09-05 at 5.56.27 AM.png (967 KB) Screen Shot 2014-09-05 at 5.56.27 AM.png [email protected] PixelClef, 09/05/2014 06:04 AM
persistent.sfs (1.05 MB) persistent.sfs Craft switch bug ready save Riddla, 11/02/2014 06:57 PM (232 KB) [email protected] psycho_zs, 11/22/2015 08:22 PM (224 KB) [email protected] psycho_zs, 11/22/2015 08:23 PM


#1 Updated by pq over 10 years ago

#2 Updated by pq over 10 years ago

#3 Updated by pq over 10 years ago

Save file after switching vessel

#4 Updated by Squelch over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Need More Info

Thanks for the report, but unfortunately we need more information to reproduce. Your save files certainly show something odd, but the recreation without the supporting craft files would be lengthy.

Please could you supply us with your .craft files (found in the save/ships folder) so the scenario can be loaded. Could you also provide us with your player.log which contains more comprehensive debugging information. On OSX:


Thank you.

#5 Updated by pq over 10 years ago

#7 Updated by pq over 10 years ago

scenario name is test-bug. I tried to make a minimal example. No other files in the /save/test-bug/Ships folders except the "Auto-Saved Ship.craft" file. Reproduction is pretty simple: load the save file labeled "before switching vessels", go to tracking station, choose to pilot any of the two vessels already in orbit, press 'm' to switch to map view, double click to the other vessel to switch control to it. Using double click to switch is important, the bug does not manifest if you single click and select "switch vessel" from the popup menu. As the popup menu that appears due to the first click may make it difficult to land the second click on the vessel, I suggest clicking once, then moving the mouse a little up left and do the double click. I produced the save files after deleting the game and reinstalling from scratch, and I can reproduce the bug 100% of times, so I'm pretty confident it can be reproduced in your environment too: if that isn't the case please tell me, I'll try to explain the procedure in more detail.

#8 Updated by PixelClef over 10 years ago


Was able to recreate after second attempt. First attempt was my error.

OS: Mac OS X 10.9.4

Set Up
- persistent.sfs
- Auto-Saved Ship.craft

- loaded game
- loaded save
- made test vessel against SRB contract
- tweaked thrust to zero, fuel to zero
- tested it
- switched to TS
- selected oldest craft (A)
- double clicked to switch to craft B
- see screenie

#9 Updated by Squelch over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from Need More Info to Confirmed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10

Forwarded to dev team on confirmation.

Further observations that could be related:

Windows games lose all completed contract notifications on craft switch. OS.X keeps the notifications (see screenshot) despite other game breaking affects.

#10 Updated by pq over 10 years ago

I tried it on windows (32-bit), and actually couldn't switch vessels using double click (the event is ignored). I confirm that on Mac OS X I get the same UI status as PixelClef's screenshot

#11 Updated by Squelch over 10 years ago

Double clicking is hit and miss as observed elsewhere. Spam clicking until a vessel switch is achieved is the only way on both flavours of Windows it seems. With that problem in play, it is hard to be sure of reliable observations on Windows with this issue.

#12 Updated by cpcallen over 10 years ago

I can confirm that this bug still exists in KSP

Thanks, pq, for figuring out exactly what triggers the problem. (Now I can avoid it, at least!)

#13 Updated by Riddla about 10 years ago

I believe this is the same bug I'm having, here's a video with (what could be) some important extra information:

Notice that at the start of the video the lander and probe crafts are a mere 100m away, I was going in for docking when I found that switching to the other vessel with the [ or ] keys just resulted in the camera not locking to the probe but just sort of floating away - sadly didn't think to capture this. Notice that while the craft are only 100m away and these numbers are accurate when moused over, the orbital map shows the craft much further apart by maybe 10km. After entering this state I was unable to switch to any other craft in the game world, nor return to the space centre by either the top button or the menu button as demonstrated and only exit the game with ALT-F4. This is not persistent in the save file after a restart, but may be easily replicable with it (attached.)

#14 Updated by MidnightLightning almost 10 years ago

I came to report the same situation: Mac computer (10.6 Intel tower), and when double-clicking a vessel in the map view (often happens by accident when I'm trying to double-click a planet to focus the view on it), the toolbar buttons get doubled and all contracts vanish. I'm running KSP v0.90, and noticed one other UI change that happens after this bug triggers: if you had a contract for getting a satellite into a particular orbit around the object the ship you're stuck on is orbiting, the indicators for the Ap, Pe, AN, DN all appear collapsed around the ship's icon in the map view (like the target orbit is now to orbit the vessel).

#15 Updated by psycho_zs about 9 years ago

It happened to me too. In 1.0.5 and previous versions.
I'm running on Linux 64 bit.

Just tried to trigger the bug by doubleclicking (and click-spamming) ships in map view. Both during normal flight and after the focused vessel is destroyed. No luck.

But it certainly happens from time to time.

#16 Updated by psycho_zs about 9 years ago some point it did happen.
I followed some reentering debris to it's destruction on the ground, then tried to doubleclick another derelict (a capsule left from rescue contract) in the map view. Doubleclick didn't work, focused Kerbin instead. After some click-spamming I managed to switch to the capsule, and all contract records gone.

#17 Updated by psycho_zs about 9 years ago

Here are two saves. Persistent.sfs is the latest save with the bug occurred, persistent_[dated].sfs is the last available save before it happened. Also a log.

#18 Updated by Squelch about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Confirmed to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 10 to 100

Steps were taken to rectify this problem and make contract persistence more reliable. Internal testing shows this to have been successful barring the odd minor exception with old saves.

psycho_zs wrote:

Here are two saves. Persistent.sfs is the latest save with the bug occurred, persistent_[dated].sfs is the last available save before it happened. Also a log.

From your log, I see a number of errors occurring before attempting to switch. These are initiated by the various mods you have installed, so any reproduction cannot be relied upon as being non mod related. Errors can already set the game in an indeterminate state.

Please can you retest in a clean game?

Marking as resolved. Any new occurrences can be dealt with on a per issue basis.

#19 Updated by TriggerAu over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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