Bug #28637
Parachute Duplication Glitch
When a kerbal leaves the space craft they contain in their inventory a parachute and eva jetpack. replacing the parachute with eva equipment then rentering the craft without the parachute in the kerbals inventory results in duplication of a parachute within the cargo inventory thus filling cargo slots with more parachutes. repetition of this eventually leads to all free cargo and inventory space being filled with parachutes
#1 Updated by MisterDoctor about 2 years ago
Is it possible that what happens is that your inventory is restored to what it was when you went EVA, so that if you swap your parachute for another item (eg EVA Science) while outside, the other item is overwritten with your previous inventory. So maybe you started with EVA Science, Parachute, Jetpack, and then when you reenter the pod, you now have Parachute, Parachute, Jetpack?
This would also create extra items if you "swapped" your parachute for an empty space.