Bug #28577
Probe core installed by engineer gets stuck
I've disassembled a satellite for parts, stored the small parts and attached the parts that couldn't be stored. Then, as a result, the probe core can no longer be removed or reattached, although it can still be moved or rotated
#1 Updated by jackmcslay about 3 years ago
Uh, there was supposed to be a save file with the bug, but the upload is not working, so here it is on fileshare
Try to detach the Rovemate
#2 Updated by jackmcslay about 3 years ago
I've decided to investigate a little further, so I've created a new craft with a same model probe attached the same way and I could move it just fine. Then I took the text for the part in the save file and did the same for the stuck part, and used linux' diff command to see what's different. This was the result:
4,11c4,11 < cid = 4294547270 < uid = 3180271842 < mid = 81938177 < persistentId = 2924516932 < launchID = 116 < parent = 14 < position = -0.00042271614074707031,-0.72253262996673584,-1.8695586919784546 < rotation = -0.0365824401,0.760252476,-0.647207618,0.042429816 --- > cid = 4294474996 > uid = 1112295721 > mid = 3261672821 > persistentId = 964390571 > launchID = 253 > parent = 5 > position = -3.1726434826850891E-05,0.24007290601730347,-2.0067732334136963 > rotation = 0.729775608,0.000130969682,0.000167048827,0.683686733 13c13 < symMethod = Radial --- > symMethod = Mirror 28c28 < attN = top, -1 --- > attN = top, 5 31,34c31,34 < temp = 221.51516505018927 < tempExt = 221.36706456369319 < tempExtUnexp = 258.54813118651799 < staticPressureAtm = 0 --- > temp = 304.68477432481137 > tempExt = 304.72326590653836 > tempExtUnexp = 304.72326717601652 > staticPressureAtm = 0.98935578800618362 41,42c41,42 < flag = Squad/Agencies/DinkelsteinKermansConstructionEmporium < rTrf = reverse --- > flag = Bandeiras/Flags/Itajubá Transparente > rTrf = _default 77c77 < activeControlPointName = reverse --- > activeControlPointName = _default 223,225d222 < 0 = Suborbit,Minmus < 0 = Land,Minmus < 0 = Orbit,Minmus 234c231 < amount = 119.99996689655271 --- > amount = 119.07520002065594 244c241 < name = This Probe Core is Stuck --- > name = This probe core is not stuck
I tried editing the values that were different but none of them seem to have unstuck the part. Any ideas?