


Bug #2820

Right Click unresponsive when trying to access in flight context menus

Added by Cultist_O over 10 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Controls and UI
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English (US)
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Arrow u r green
Arrow d r red


I have to right click on a part (such as a capsule) many times before I can get the context menu to come up (the one to turn reaction wheels off etc.)

When researching the problem I saw a thread on the forums that indicated that it may be related to the number of cores, so these are my specs:

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50 GHz
(4 Cores)
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti
16 Gb Ram, 64 bit OS


#1 Updated by BlobKerman over 10 years ago

I have this same problem often. Sometimes, I'll click 5 times before I can, say, select a docking port target, or really, any part's context menu. I try quick clicks, long clicks, no differences. Not sure this helps, but my info:

Intel Core i5-2310 CPU @ 2.90GHz (4 cores)
8.00 GB RAM
64-bit Windows 7
Intel HD Graphics (doesn't specify anymore than that)

#2 Updated by BlobKerman over 10 years ago

Meant to say that I'm playing 0.23.5.

#3 Updated by smartdummies over 10 years ago

I see this happen only in the 64 bit version. It only happens after loading a quick save or reverting to launch (not to assembly). The more a revert/reload is done the more pronounced the effect. Entering the VAB (and presumably the SPH but I have not tried that) will correct the problem and the right click works reliably again.

#4 Updated by DancZer over 10 years ago

smartdummies wrote:

I see this happen only in the 64 bit version. It only happens after loading a quick save or reverting to launch (not to assembly). The more a revert/reload is done the more pronounced the effect. Entering the VAB (and presumably the SPH but I have not tried that) will correct the problem and the right click works reliably again.

I can confirm that. I is really annoying if you are playing a long mission.

#5 Updated by Kirk over 10 years ago

I have the same problem, but only in the Windows x64 build.

#6 Updated by tschieggm about 10 years ago

smartdummies wrote:

I see this happen only in the 64 bit version. It only happens after loading a quick save or reverting to launch (not to assembly). The more a revert/reload is done the more pronounced the effect. Entering the VAB (and presumably the SPH but I have not tried that) will correct the problem and the right click works reliably again.

I can also confirm these symptoms/fixes.

#7 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Moot
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

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