Bug #25851
Groups of activated parachutes don't display properly in staging pane
When a craft has groups of multiple parachutes placed using symmetry, the tiles in the staging pane for the individual parachutes in each group fail to open properly. Instead of the tile for each parachute group expanding into a set of tiles for the individual parachutes, the parachute-group tile stays as is, and a bunch of empty space opens up in the staging pane below each parachute-group tile; the amount of space that opens up expands the subpane for the stage in question to the right size for holding the bunch of individual-parachute tiles, but the individual-parachute tiles don't actually appear.
Encountered in KSP 1.10.0; my original KSP install (and some old savefiles for my older KSP games) dates back to 1.2.2, but the current game was only created in 1.9.0 (some of the craft files in this game were created in older versions, but the problem occurs even with newly-created craft).
Expansions: Making History 1.10.0, Breaking Ground 1.5.0
Mods installed: HyperEdit
System: Windows 7 Professional, 64-bit, 8 GiB RAM
#1 Updated by Whoop_whoop_pull_up over 4 years ago
Steps to reproduce (forgot to include in original description):
1. Create a craft that includes one or more groups of parachutes placed using symmetry (2x/3x/4x/6x/8x).
2. Launch the craft.
3. Activate the parachutes by staging. Instead of the staging-pane tile for each symmetric group of parachutes expanding into a bunch of tiles, one for each individual parachute, the parachute-group staging-pane tiles will stay as is, and a bunch of empty space will open up under each of them.
UPDATE: Bug also manifests when moving parachutes around in the staging pane when adjusting the staging sequence in flight.
#2 Updated by Whoop_whoop_pull_up over 4 years ago
- Mod Related changed from Yes to No