Bug #24998
Bug on Skipper test mission.
I use no mods but both making history and breaking ground expansions. Nearly all of the information for this bug is posted on the Steam forums at this discussion:
I can't count how many times I've tried this mission with all parameters met yet no confirmation or credit.
If you look at my public screenshots you can see both before and after pics of all parameters met prior to activating the skipper stage and after.
It happens in both Windows (win7pro64) and Linux (ubuntu19.04) clients.
Finally I activated cheat mode and forced complete in my windows client. BTW, all were done from the same ntfs savegame. When I set up ubuntu, I created a soft link to the windows save games. I tried to activate cheatmode in ubuntu, but the keyboard remapping flummoxed me. ctrl-alt-f12 in windows but left alt is something weird in ubuntu, thus right shift for crazy stuff but couldn't figure it out.
It's low priority but annoying as heck. I spent a week of gameplay and the forums list more details and recommendations from fellow users offering advice (all tried to no avail).
#1 Updated by Robert.Keech almost 5 years ago
- Assignee set to Robert.Keech
Can you please attach a save game from before the contract was completed?
Also was this save game created before or after updating to 1.9?
#2 Updated by Robert.Keech almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Need More Info
#3 Updated by tiriss almost 5 years ago
I'm updating with my save game as requested. The actual game lpst is (launch pad skipper test) but it's still too big to upload here. It's 6.1MB and I tried to email it but the no-reply email doesn't accept any email.
Any suggestions? I had to delete everything but the last save game before I cheated. I'm not sure how to get it to 5MB.
#4 Updated by tiriss almost 5 years ago
I've split the saved archive into 5MB chunks using split. These should combine into yandros4.zip. To reassemble use the following command:
cat xa* >yandros4.zip.
To validate the archive:
yandros@solubuntu:~$ md5sum yandros4.zip
30e5a0da4dcaeab2de99ace9d895b4bd yandros4.zip
The save game is lpst (launchpad skipper test).
#5 Updated by Robert.Keech almost 5 years ago
tiriss wrote:
I've split the saved archive into 5MB chunks using split. These should combine into yandros4.zip. To reassemble use the following command:
cat xa* >yandros4.zip.To validate the archive:
yandros@solubuntu:~$ md5sum yandros4.zip
30e5a0da4dcaeab2de99ace9d895b4bd yandros4.zipThe save game is lpst (launchpad skipper test).
was this save game created before or after updating to 1.9?
#6 Updated by Robert.Keech almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from Need More Info to Not a Bug
Not a bug. You're using the old version of the Skipper engine to run the test. Swap the old skipper out for the new version and the test will run.
#7 Updated by tiriss almost 5 years ago
Thanks so much for finding out what was wrong. I'll update the forums so they know to check for this if they encounter a similar situation. I was beginning to think I was a terrible pilot.