Bug #24410
Cannot zoom for a few seconds after creating or clicking a maneuver node
When creating or activating a maneuver node, I generally zoom out right away. This worked before, but in 1.8.1 it no longer zooms. The rest of the UI is still responsive, I can click, drag or hover anything on the screen. So it's not locking up anything but the zoom. After a few seconds, I can zoom again.
#1 Updated by abc about 5 years ago
I see an initial no-zoom period but for me it is only about a half second or so. Since the mouse wheel also affects the manuever controls if you are moused over them, I guess they might be trying to prevent unintentionally messing up the newly created node (maybe turning off the mouse wheel briefly is easier than preventing just the maneuver controls?). I might have done that a few times previously. It looks like the mouse wheel on the maneuver node also doesn't work for that time as best I can tell. I'm not sure why the lockout would last several seconds for you but not for me.