Bug #24407
White glow completely around Kerbin
Kerbin has a white glow completely around it, visible even on the dark side. It's pretty ugly. It's visible everywhere, both in game and on the main menu. I have some mods installed, but none that would plausibly cause this. If no one can replicate it, I'll try a clean install.
#1 Updated by sgtnoodle about 5 years ago
- File Screenshot from 2019-11-20 22-16-45.png added
#2 Updated by sgtnoodle about 5 years ago
- File deleted (
Screenshot from 2019-11-20 22-16-45.png)
#3 Updated by sgtnoodle about 5 years ago
#4 Updated by KerbalabreK about 5 years ago
sgtnoodle wrote:
Kerbin has a white glow completely around it, visible even on the dark side. It's pretty ugly. It's visible everywhere, both in game and on the main menu. I have some mods installed, but none that would plausibly cause this. If no one can replicate it, I'll try a clean install.
I don't experience weird thing like this, never. Try a clean install
#5 Updated by steve_v almost 5 years ago
- File KSP.log KSP.log added
- File screenshot14.png screenshot14.png added
- File screenshot15.png screenshot15.png added
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
KerbalabreK wrote:
I don't experience weird thing like this, never. Try a clean install
Very helpful comment indeed.
Confirmed in a clean install - base game + serenity, no mods. Setting status confirmed, cross-posting to forum.
Visual artefact present in all scenes where kerbin is visible, other bodies not tested.
System specs in attached log.
Ed. Confirmed again without serenity expansion, this is a base game problem.