Bug #24249
M.E.M. Control Orientation Wrong
The control orientation for the Munar Excursion Module (M.E.M.) is rotated 180 degrees from the proper orientation. When you are in the internal view (or external) and yaw left, the ship rotates to the right, and vice versa for yawing right. In the attached screenshots, you can see that the camera is pointed towards the hatch of the craft, which is the front. When I yaw left, the ship rotates left in the camera view, but from the perspective of the craft, it is yawing right. The attached craft has a docking port jr. on the top of the craft that is rotated 180 degrees in the roll axis. If you control from there, the craft behaves properly in external view, but the controls revert in IVA.
The control orientation should be rotated 180 degrees along the roll axis for it to be properly aligned.
Related issues
#1 Updated by raptor9_ksp about 5 years ago
This was written up in similar fashion by myself (https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/18030) after the DLC was originally released.
However, when they added the ability to change control point orientation in the PAW, this issue became irrelevant. Try right-clicking on the MEM part, then change control point to forward. This should result in the behavior you desire.
#2 Updated by hihosilver28 about 5 years ago
raptor9_ksp wrote:
This was written up in similar fashion by myself (https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/18030) after the DLC was originally released.
However, when they added the ability to change control point orientation in the PAW, this issue became irrelevant. Try right-clicking on the MEM part, then change control point to forward. This should result in the behavior you desire.
I did see your issue, and wanted to state that it was still a problem in 1.8.1. I did not try changing the control point to forward, though. Also, finding the toggle in the options that allows you to maintain your control point when switching to IVA was a life saver as well in this case, as I could control from the docking port while using internal view.
#3 Updated by Robert.Keech over 4 years ago
- Assignee set to Robert.Keech
#4 Updated by Robert.Keech over 4 years ago
- Related to Bug #18030: DLC MEM should be rotated 180 degrees for proper pitch response added
#6 Updated by Robert.Keech over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
- % Done changed from 0 to 10