


Bug #2382

Impossible to return to Space Center or recover ship - NullReferenceException. Simple reproduction steps.

Added by Kasuha almost 11 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

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Reproduction steps:

Make a new (sandbox) save.
Save the attached .craft file to Ships/VAB subdirectory.
Deploy the ship on launchpad. Make sure both pods are occupied (if only one is occupied, no problem appears).
Open debug log for extra information.
Throttle up and stage to activate the engine.
Stage again to detach the engine part from both pods.

NullReferenceException appears in debug log. From now on it is impossible to return to Space Center or to recover the craft. Each such attempt results in log message "Scene change: From FLIGHT to SPACECENTER" followed by another NullReferenceException and nothing changes.

Putting a Kerbal on EVA and trying to recover the Kerbal (unsuccessful), then trying to put him back inside the pod results in the Kerbal being inoperative, present both in the pod and on the pod ladder. May lead to corrupt persistence file (e.g. impossible to delete both the Kerbal and his pod even from tracking station).

No Return.craft (15.6 KB) No Return.craft Kasuha, 04/11/2014 05:47 AM
output_log.txt (242 KB) output_log.txt Kasuha, 04/12/2014 03:25 AM
screenshot12.png (957 KB) screenshot12.png Kasuha, 04/13/2014 11:55 PM
screenshot0.png (1.64 MB) screenshot0.png First Craft (original design) Claw, 04/14/2014 08:28 PM
screenshot1.png (1.12 MB) screenshot1.png Second Craft without symmetry or throttle up Claw, 04/14/2014 08:28 PM
KSP.log (106 KB) KSP.log Log from Second Craft Claw, 04/14/2014 08:28 PM
Test Craft.craft (11.2 KB) Test Craft.craft Second Craft without symmetry Claw, 04/14/2014 08:28 PM
Bugtest 1.craft (26.5 KB) Bugtest 1.craft dr-kerpernicus, 05/28/2014 05:19 AM
Orbiter-Mk3C.craft (177 KB) Orbiter-Mk3C.craft gan_, 06/07/2014 03:48 PM


#1 Updated by Kasuha almost 11 years ago

Adding output_log.txt

#2 Updated by APHSpace almost 11 years ago

I have tried to replicate the craft, and I do believe I did it exactly. No error was found, I was perfectly able to "recover craft" without issues. However when I used the craft file included there was an issue, exactly as you described, I was unable to recover craft, revert save, or go to space center.

#3 Updated by Kasuha almost 11 years ago


Maybe it depends on how you were replicating the craft? In my version, root part is the fuel tank. I did not build it any special way and can replicate the result even with different crafts as long as both decoupled pods are child nodes and occupied.

Apparently even no engine, throttling up or using symmetry during build is needed. Simplest ship I was able to use to invoke the error has five parts with the girder being the root part. See the attached image.

#4 Updated by Claw almost 11 years ago


I was able to replicate this using a similar craft as the original (with engine), except I used two Mk1 pods. I had the same results (unable to exit to the menu).

  • I was able to quicksave. When I restarted the game, the #1 Mk1 pod (with Jeb in it) was at full throttle. The #2 pod (with Bill in it) was at zero throttle.

I was also able to replicate this bug with Kasuha's second craft launching directly from the VAB, without symmetry, and without throttling up. (attached photo and log)

Additionally, I received a NullException immediately when I launched the ship (before any staging). In fact, any ship that I launch from the KSC complex direct to the launch pad experiences a NullException (even just a probe core or Mk1 pod). I'm not sure if this is a separate issue, or if it contributes to the problem.

#5 Updated by Claw almost 11 years ago

I don't know if it's particularly helpful, but I also noticed that if you manually decouple the pods (basically one at a time), the NRE does not happen.

#6 Updated by dr-kerpernicus over 10 years ago

My bug might be a version of this one.

This occurs when I create a ship with multiple occupied pods, they all detach at the same time (thus becoming separate flights) and they all land successfully. (see attached .craft file) This occurs in both Windows 7 and Windows 8.

- You cannot 'recover vessel'
- you cannot 'revert flight'
- You cannot switch to space centre, therefore you cannot navigate to a menu to exit the game cleanly
- The only option is to use Windows key to switch out of program, and do a hard stop on the program.
- Upon booting back into KSP, somehow now you CAN go to the tracking station, choose one or another of the flights, and recover vessel etc. to get your Kerbals back.
(maybe this 'unlinks' the individual flights?)

I used a craft design like this to rescue stranded Kerbals from orbit in story mode when the single seat pod was the only pod available to me. I believe this bug will be encountered by a great many other players performing rescue missions in story mode.

Thanks guys, cheers.

#7 Updated by AidanBionicle1 over 10 years ago

I believe this bug also happens on mac and or linux.

#8 Updated by gan_ over 10 years ago

Got exactly the same thing, however, my craft only has one pod (which is the root part).
(the ship need procedural fairings & engineer redux to load)

#9 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago

  • Platform Win32 added
  • Platform deleted (Windows)

#10 Updated by sal_vager about 9 years ago

  • Status changed from Confirmed to Resolved
  • Severity changed from High to Normal
  • % Done changed from 10 to 100

Hi, please be mindful of the bug reporting guidelines and priority table when reporting issues, thank you.

Also this is no longer reproducible in 1.0.5

#11 Updated by Kasuha about 9 years ago

sal_vager wrote:

Hi, please be mindful of the bug reporting guidelines and priority table when reporting issues, thank you.

Priority: High
Description: Game breaking
Example: Game crashes when exiting SOI

Personally I consider "noticable amount of people complains about game crashes or lost saves due to it" falling safely under "game breaking". Or maybe the definition could be made more specific?

#12 Updated by TriggerAu over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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