


Bug #2381

Parts Mounts to Stack and Surface Simultaneously

Added by Claw almost 11 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Very Low
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Linux, OSX, Windows
English (US)
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As I was troubleshooting another bug, I discovered in the .craft file and the .sfs file that Claw mounts to it's parent part on both the node and surface.

1) Start a new ship in the VAB
2) Select RC-001S as the root part
3) Mount a claw on the top node
4) Save and launch the ship

- I'm not sure if this is by design for the Claw, but none of the other dual surface/stackable parts (such as the Modular Girder Segment) I checked act this way.

- I've attached the .craft and .sfs files, but here are the points of note.


part = GrapplingDevice_4294816076
srfN = srfAttach,probeStackSmall_4294824132
attN = top,probeStackSmall_4294824132

name = GrapplingDevice
srfN = srfAttach, 0
attN = top, 0

Temp.craft (4.8 KB) Temp.craft [email protected] Claw, 04/10/2014 04:55 PM
persistent.sfs (11 KB) persistent.sfs [email protected] Claw, 04/10/2014 04:55 PM
CubicStrut.craft (2.27 KB) CubicStrut.craft [email protected] Padishar, 11/29/2014 12:34 PM


#1 Updated by Padishar about 10 years ago

I am unable to repeat this behaviour in clean installs of 0.25 or 0.23.5. Are you still able to repeat it?

#2 Updated by Squelch about 10 years ago

Reviews of recent saves and craft files uploaded to this tracker show this does not seem to be a current issue.

srfN = None, -1
attN = top, 580

It was perhaps resolved but undocumented?

#3 Updated by Padishar about 10 years ago

  • File CubicStrut.craft CubicStrut.craft added
  • Subject changed from Claw Mounts to Stack and Surface Simultaneously to Parts Mounts to Stack and Surface Simultaneously
  • Status changed from New to Confirmed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 10
  • Version changed from 0.23.5 to 0.25

I am now able to repeat this behaviour in both 0.23.5 and 0.25 with any part that allows surface and stack attachment:

Start new vessel
Select anything as root part
Surface mount a cubic octagonal strut on the root part
Pick up the cubic strut again and attach it to a node of the root part
Save vessel and examine to find double attachment

If you directly attach the cubic strut to a node without surface attaching it first then it only has the one attachment.

While this doesn't appear to have any obvious effect on gameplay, I suspect that various bits of the core game code could be getting upset by this double attachment, e.g. odd symmetry behaviour in the editors or certain issues with the claw.

#4 Updated by unseeingwhale about 10 years ago

  • Platform Linux added

I was able to reproduce with Padishar's instructions.

#5 Updated by Squelch about 10 years ago

I can reproduce this too, and the order of placement is important.

Attaching to a node does not remove the previous surface attachment entry, and the co-ordinates remain from the prior surface attachment. They are also carried into the node attachment entry.

This can be seen in the quoted .craft file of the report.

#6 Updated by Squelch over 9 years ago

  • Platform Win32 added
  • Platform deleted (Linux, Windows)

#7 Updated by TriggerAu over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Confirmed to Needs Clarification
  • % Done changed from 10 to 0

#8 Updated by Claw over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Clarification to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Platform Linux, OSX, Windows added
  • Platform deleted (Win32)

So this isn't happening anymore. And after changes to some editor logic for 1.0, I'm pretty sure I know what was causing this. So I'm confident it was fixed.

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