Bug #2355
KSP 0.23.5 exits when staging to TR-38-D coupler
See enclosed zip file for pertinent files. Note I have created two rockets in the enclosed game called "Buggy". The first is "Buggy_Munship.craft" which exhibits this problem. The second is "Buggy_Munship_workaround.craft", which is the same rocket except I exchanged the TR-38-D coupler for the smaller TR-XL coupler. This second rocket does NOT exhibit the program exit on staging.
Running on a "MacBook Pro 15-inch, Mid 2012", Mac OS 10.8.5.
Instructions to reproduce program exit/crash:
1. Run KSP 0.23.5.
2. Click "Start Game".
3. Click "Resume Saved".
4. Double click saved game "Buggy".
5. Click on launch pad.
6. Click "Go to Buggy_Munship on launch pad".
7. Throttle up.
8. Launch.
9. Stage.
Program exits unexpectedly.
In the system console log:
4/5/14 12:35:39.220 PM WindowServer82: MPAccessSurfaceForDisplayDevice: Set up page flip mode on display 0x04272dc0 device: 0x10a800a10 isBackBuffered: 1 numComp: 3 numDisp: 3
4/5/14 12:35:39.223 PM WindowServer82: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 85423
4/5/14 12:35:39.223 PM WindowServer82: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 85423
4/5/14 12:35:39.223 PM WindowServer82: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 85423
4/5/14 12:35:39.223 PM WindowServer82: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 85423
4/5/14 12:35:39.223 PM WindowServer82: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 85423
4/5/14 12:35:39.224 PM WindowServer82: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 85423
4/5/14 12:35:39.224 PM WindowServer82: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 85423
4/5/14 12:35:39.224 PM WindowServer82: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 85423
4/5/14 12:35:39.224 PM WindowServer82: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 85423
4/5/14 12:35:39.224 PM WindowServer82: CGXGetConnectionProperty: Invalid connection 85423
4/5/14 12:35:39.291 PM com.apple.launchd.peruser.505164: ([0x0-0x80080].unity.Squad.Kerbal Space Program917) Exited with code: 1
Related issues
#1 Updated by Kasuha almost 11 years ago
Might be the same issue as http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/2346
Try if commenting out PhysicsSignificance = 1 parameter in part.cfg (or setting it to zero instead of 1) helps.
Other decouplers don't have that setting so my guess is it was put there by mistake.
#2 Updated by Kasuha almost 11 years ago
I tried the craft file and while it does not crash on Windows its effects correspond to what I have seen when I was testing that other bug. They also disappear if I apply the "fix".
It's also good to know these effects may appear even without attaching something radially to the decoupler.
#3 Updated by quantumac almost 11 years ago
Kasuha wrote:
Try if commenting out PhysicsSignificance = 1 parameter in part.cfg (or setting it to zero instead of 1) helps.
Other decouplers don't have that setting so my guess is it was put there by mistake.
The fix worked! I commented out "PhysicsSignificance = 1" in "NASAmission/Parts/Size3Decoupler/part.cfg" and the problem vanished.
#4 Updated by Jouni almost 11 years ago
I have encountered the same problem on two different Macs. The game freezes when activating the decoupler, if
- There is something below the decoupler. It seems that any part will do.
- The decoupler is the new 3.75 m model. Smaller decouplers work fine.
- There is a strut going from a vertical side of a part to a sloping side of another part, or from a vertical side of a part to the flat top of another part. If I reverse the direction of the strut, the decoupler works fine.
#5 Updated by Ted almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
Indeed, as Kasuha mentions, this is practically the same issue as #2346. In fact, I would go as far as to say that if you were to reproduce the #2346 issue on OSX, you would get a crash as well.
Both issues cause a StackOverflowException within KSP and whilst on Windows that exception is handled, it doesn't appear to be on Linux or OSX and thus causes it to crash.
Additionally, the issue is in fact much more likely to be with the struts around the decoupler, as opposed to the decoupler itself - one could decouple the TR-38-D and not encounter the StackOverflowException as long as not struts were involved.
Thanks for the report, by the way, it's of great help.
#6 Updated by RexKramer about 10 years ago
I was not able to reproduce this in 0.25. Interestingly, PhysicsSignificance=1 is still in the .cfg file. So a second opinion would be nice before marking as resolved. Paging Kasuha!
#7 Updated by achurch over 9 years ago
- File Astro-Miner.craft Astro-Miner.craft added
This bug is still present in version 1.0.4, at least on Linux. To reproduce, put the attached craft (Astro-Miner.craft) on the launch pad, right-click the 3.75m decoupler (above the first stage), and click Decouple -- the program will immediately crash.
Deleting "PhysicsSignificance = 1" from GameData/Squad/Parts/Structural/Size3Decoupler/part.cfg lets the decoupler work normally.
#8 Updated by Toodzi over 9 years ago
I confirm it is still present (Linux too). I think you should do the proposed change in part.cfg, as a workaround, until the bug is understood (or investigated). Not everyone experiencing the crash will do a google search, be lucky to find these indications, and motivated to fix the cfg themselves.
#9 Updated by rudi1291 over 9 years ago
Thats interesting. I can confirm the crash, but only with the given craft (Astro-Miner). Another craft using that part seems not affected.
#10 Updated by rudi1291 over 9 years ago
- File Bicasu 1 Rocket.craft Bicasu 1 Rocket.craft added
Here´s the craft, that won´t crash on decoupling
Edit: I´m on 64bit Linux (Ubuntu Gnome). PhysicsSignificance = 1 is still there. The Astro-Miner seems to cause a StackOverflowException on decoupling like Ted wrote however my craft does not (in the same install)
#11 Updated by RexKramer over 9 years ago
- Related to Bug #5414: Decoupling creates empty ghost stage, Camera looses focus, Ship spins out of control added
#12 Updated by sal_vager about 9 years ago
- Status changed from Confirmed to Resolved
- Severity changed from High to Normal
- % Done changed from 10 to 100
Hi, please be mindful of the bug reporting guidelines and priority table when reporting issues, thank you.
This issue is no longer reproducible in 1.0.5
#13 Updated by TriggerAu over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed