Bug #23179
Turboshaft engines make no sound
I noticed the new turboshaft engines in 1.7.3 make no sound. If you take a look at the associated part config file, there are no nodes for "Effects" or "Audio" so maybe just copied one of the existing electro-rotary engine part config files that doesn't make any noise?
The part description for the R121 Turboshaft even mentions that it "emits a pleasantly high pitched whine" so I do suspect it is supposed to make noise like the other fuel burning engines.
#1 Updated by XLjedi over 5 years ago
Also... Shouldn't these gas powered turboshaft engines have alternators? My batteries go dead using these because they don't generate any electricity. Which just seems wrong.
I do acknowledge that the sound of a prop engine may pose a real challenge. As the blades are feathered the sound of the prop should change so you can tell whether or not you're just batting air or have it properly tuned for optimal thrust at altitude and speed. Currently, the only real indication of the blades working well is to turn on and watch the Aeronautical Forces Overlay feature. Aside from memorizing the feathered position (Authority Limiter) of the blades at various speeds and altitude, it would be nice to have some audio clue as to whether or not your props are working efficiently.
Edit: after playing a bit more, and properly mapping power curves with the KAL-1000 I can see that just some simple sound for the engine would be fine. I tune the things for optimal performance now with the KAL, so I don't really need an audio que.
#3 Updated by SomeKindaWitch over 5 years ago
I have this problem too
#4 Updated by nestor over 5 years ago
- Severity changed from Low to Normal
#5 Updated by just_jim over 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Confirmed
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
#8 Updated by just_jim over 5 years ago
- Assignee set to just_jim
#9 Updated by just_jim almost 5 years ago
- Severity changed from Normal to Low
#10 Updated by XLjedi almost 5 years ago
This one, they did add the alternator for it being a gas-powered engine. So that makes sense. The other rotary engines are all electric so not making noise is correct for those. It's really just this one "R121 Turboshaft" engine that should make some noise, but doesn't.
I'd classify it as very low priority at this point though. There's almost never a reason to use this liquid fuel engine when its performance is being so drastically eclipsed by the efficiency of fuel cells in combination with one of the electric rotor engines. Aside from maybe just using it for looks, it was just an obsolete part at introduction. Although this may be true, I am not a proponent of nerfing the fuel cells! Just let it be.
#11 Updated by Preda59 over 4 years ago
I just bought the DLC yesterday, it’s very disappointing to have no sound when u make your own helicopter. It’s look like a mod which doesn’t work well ... And I see that this bug still lasting since already 1 year !
Please, fix it.
#12 Updated by just_jim over 4 years ago
- Assignee deleted (
#13 Updated by muchozolf over 3 years ago
Guuuys, it's been almost two years and there's still no sound. I understand it's not a game-breaking bug, but it sure feels incomplete.