Bug #22114
Elliptical orbit projection exceeds SOI boundary
See attached screenshot, reproduce using attached quicksave.
After passing Mun, the ship would be on elliptical orbit with apoapsis way beyond the Kerbin SOI boundary, i.e. effectively on escape trajectory. The game glitches between considering it an escape and non-escape, with the trajectory in the map flipping several times per second between escape trajectory and closed elliptical orbit. This persists even in time warp.
It looks like the SOI exit is ignored particularly when the evaluation finds another Mun intercept on it.
#1 Updated by Kasuha over 5 years ago
- File screenshot2.png screenshot2.png added
I am now pretty sure it is caused by the Mun intercept. I'm attaching a screenshot with another example: a ship is on an escape trajectory from Kerbin SOI but if I put a maneuver right before the exit point and adjust the trajectory so it intercepts Mun, the game ignores the fact that the trajectory exits the SOI. Changing the maneuver just a little so the trajectory does not intercept Mun will make it display the exit point instead.