Bug #20777
#autoLOC issue with part upgrades
After creating a part upgrade which is supposed to be displayed in the part info window as 'Upgrades available at <TechTree node>', the game will display the #autoLOC code instead of the title of the tech tree node.
Requires any part upgrade and 'showUpgradesInModuleInfo = true' within the partmodule config in order to display the desired info.
Tested with
-MOLE: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/154893-16x-mark-one-laboratory-extensions-mole/
-Porkjets PartOverhaul: https://kerbalspaceprogram.com/files/PartOverhauls.zip
Note: By default, Porkjets PartOverhaul doesn't use the 'showUpgradesInModuleInfo = true' setting.
So far, I was just able to prevent this to happen by replacing the #autoLOC code with the actual tech tree node titel in the TechTree.cfg.
(I put this into the 'Plugins/Add-Ons' category since there are no stock part upgrades so far but this would probably happen on stock upgrades as well)