Feedback #18541
New jet engine sound effects incredibly unpleasant
The new jet engine sounds are much more realistic than the old ones.
Sadly this realism means that instead of "Oh, sounds powerful, but not really like a jet" they are now like "Wow, that's a jet engine alright, I don't want to listen to that any more than I need!".
For example: Fly to the other side of Kerbin with the new jet sounds and try to avoid wanting to scratch the sounds out of your ears. Compare the volume and sound type with rocket engines for example.
I know they probably sound fine from a "let's see if this works" PoV. But from a "Let's see if this is pleasant to actually listen to for any length of time" PoV they're far from fine.
#1 Updated by jclovis3 almost 7 years ago
You can adjust engine volume in your settings during flight. This can be used to offset the differences between engine types and for when you're just not looking to go deaf listening to that noise for a long time. If you think about it, the crew inside is protected from that noise, so if you're going to be listening to it from the outside, think like the aircrew on the ground and wear hearing protection (or use the volume control).
#2 Updated by Jognt almost 7 years ago
jclovis3 wrote:
You can adjust engine volume in your settings during flight. This can be used to offset the differences between engine types and for when you're just not looking to go deaf listening to that noise for a long time.
I was not aware of the option to alter volume for specific engine types. Where can I find that?
If you think about it, the crew inside is protected from that noise, so if you're going to be listening to it from the outside, think like the aircrew on the ground and wear hearing protection (or use the volume control).
If you have to "think about it" to make something like an audio effect in a game make sense, it's doing it wrong.
-UX design.
#3 Updated by jclovis3 almost 7 years ago
The audio control isn't for specific engines or engine types. It is for all thrust effects. Enter the Escape menu, click Settings, and adjust the "Spacecraft" volume. BTW, since sound doesn't travel in space, why should we listen to it? It's a game, so things are going to be unreal at times. I am comfortable with my Spacecraft volume at 2% when the Master is at 50%. I play the game music at 4% but voices are at 50%. Basically, what you hear constantly gets turned down so I can hear the less frequent sounds better.