Feedback #1618
Ship destroyed while switching to it in map view
I had a ship in orbit of Gilly carrying about 120 Science at around 5km of altitude going around at 20m/s. I wanted to land on the sunny side and since I was bellow time warp altitude I switched to a flag I had planted on Duna. I moved the camera to Gilly and warped for a few seconds until I went around the moon then double clicked on the ship in orbit. Suddenly the orbit and ship disappear, Jebediah Kerman shows up as "missing in action".
This is the first time it has happened and I haven't been able to re-create it.
Related issues
#1 Updated by hermes47 over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Need More Info
Need more info, such as logs and reproduction methods. Though annoying, one off occurrences aren't helpful in terms of fixing issues.
#2 Updated by boolybooly over 11 years ago
I can confirm this in 0.22 I have had 2 craft lose parts on load already, one lost so many it lookied like it exploded.
Unfortunately on F9 and reload they load perfectly well, there is no way to reproduce this bug, I have been trying with the similar lander legs bug for a couple of versions now, where the lander legs appear to acquire a torsional stress and fly off when the craft loads with legs extended. This bug is similar, parts just shear off and float away as though the craft is twisting in mid materialisation and aquiring a new orientation when half the parts are already in place using a different orientation.
So if you have nothing of value to add to the bug report why dont you go and try to replicate it yourself and provide the logs :)
#3 Updated by Squelch over 10 years ago
This issue may have been resolved in recent updates. Due to its age and lack of follow up, it will be closed.
Please open a new issue if you feel this needs further attention.
#4 Updated by Squelch about 10 years ago
- Category changed from Bug Tracker to Gameplay
It would seem that this does occur occasionally, and can still happen according to recent duplicate reports.
However, without a log of the session that the ship disappearance happens in, and the random nature of reproduction, it is very hard to proceed with pinpointing the cause.
Common factors in the reports are switching to or loading a ship that is in orbit around Gilly.
Please provide a log file or better still, a savegame.
#5 Updated by Squelch about 10 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feedback
- Status changed from Need More Info to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Without more information, and in lieu of the many updates since this was raised, I'll mark this as feedback, and close.
Leaving referenced. See comments in related/most recent issue.
#6 Updated by Squelch about 10 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to Duplicate