Bug #13520
Vessel classified as type "Space Object" has no comms access
A vessel with type "Space Object" will have no comms access, the comms box shows as empty. Switching away from the vessel and back to it is necessary to manifest this issue.
How to reproduce:
1. Have a vessel with power and an antenna with full access to CommNet
2. Dock it to an Asteroid using an Advanced Grabbing Unit
3. Rename the vessel (i.e. using the probe core context menu), setting the type as "Space Object"
4. Switch to the tracking station
5. Switch back to the vessel, it will now show no comms capability
6. Rename the vessel, setting the type as something other than "Space Object"
7. Switch to the tracking station
8. Switch back to the vessel, it will once again have comms capability
Expected Behaviour:
It would be expected that merely changing the type of a vessel would not determine whether or not it has comms access.