


Bug #13316

Game crash when reading KSPedia for too long

Added by Wintermute about 8 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
% Done:


English (US)
Mod Related:
Arrow u r green
Arrow d r red


I've updated the KSP few days ago. Today I've created a new career game, and immediately started to enjoy the new, shiny KSPedia (Great job, guys!).
The game has been paused (from the KSPedia window), and I've been reading page after page, taking breaks for some household chores. It took several hours.

As I just clicked on yet another page ("Easter eggs" it was. No pun intended. :D) the game crashed. I had seen that page also a few minutes before, so it seems to not be the reason.

The contents of the crash folder is attached. The file "crash.dmp" has size 0, so I do not attach it here.

At the end of the "output_log.txt" there is a localized error message: 'Próbowano uzyska? dost?p do nieprawid?owego adresu.'
It means: "Was trying to access an invalid address." I believe the rest is in English.

Before the update I had a KerbalAlarmClock plugin. I have not updated it yet - there are some errors in the log files about trying to load it.

output_log.txt (669 KB) output_log.txt [email protected] Wintermute, 11/26/2016 08:59 PM
error.log (40.5 KB) error.log [email protected] Wintermute, 11/26/2016 08:59 PM
error.log (55.6 KB) error.log crash from 2016-11-25 (older one) Wintermute, 11/26/2016 09:15 PM
output_log.txt (751 KB) output_log.txt crash from 2016-11-25 (older one) Wintermute, 11/26/2016 09:15 PM


#1 Updated by Wintermute about 8 years ago

One day before I had another - very similar - crash. That time it was a tutorial play. It's again "out of memory"/"write to location 00000 ..."

#2 Updated by Squelch about 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Need More Info

Hi Wintermute, I see a number of errors which are not related to KSPedia in your logs. These may actually be the source of your crash.

Kerbal Alarm Clock is attempting to load but fails, and saves are not being performed correctly.

Could you please remove all mods and check your installation. Please be aware that version 1.2.2 is now available for download from the store, and we recommend that you also upgrade.

If you are still experiencing problems after performing these steps, please could you attach both of the following files?

ksp.log (found in the installation folder)
output_log.txt (found in KSP_Data)

#3 Updated by chris.fulton over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Need More Info to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

#4 Updated by chris.fulton over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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