Bug #13240
HG-% not performing relay function
Hi! The RG-5 antenna doesn't seem to be performing any relay function on stock 1.2.1 (x64 in this instance). This is a serious issue for when DSN is turned off (full Kerbin coverage) as no relay is available until 160 Science, well into mid-game and after other bodies are likely of interest to the player. The HG-5.cfg file indicates the HG-5 is "antennaType = RELAY", and KSP shows in the VAB/R&D screens that this is a Relay part, so I'm presuming here this is actually intended to be a relay part.
To test:- Use a game with "Extra Ground Stations" turned off.
- Place a HG-5 equipped satellite in orbit of Kerbin
- Place another with a Communotron 16 in orbit of Kerbin.
- When Kerbin occludes the connection to the Communotron 16 sat, a relay should occur between the HG-5 and the second satellite. This never happens, and only direct connections occur.
- Moving the HG-5.cfg file from GameData\Squad\Parts\Utility\DirectAntennas to GameData\Squad\Parts\Utility\RelayAntennas causes relay function to be correct
- no other modifications are performed
- Existing savefiles now permit HG-5 equipped satellites to relay signal inside Kerbin SOI.
#1 Updated by lipatden about 8 years ago
Apologies for the poor mistakes in the original post. Title should be HG-5 (not HG-%), and first paragraph similarly should refer to the HG-5 (not RG-5).
#2 Updated by sal_vager about 8 years ago
- File screenshot77.png added
- File HG-5 relay example.sfs added
- Status changed from New to Not a Bug
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Hi lipatden, the HG-5 does work as a relay, but its range to other antenna is short, and a direct connection to Kerbin can be preferred.
Please see the attached save and pic showing a Communoton 16 satellite behind the Mun, relaying to Kerbin via a HG-5 relay.
Also in this save there are a few extra HG-5 relays which have to bounce their signals to their neighbours to get a connection to Kerbin.
If you post your save we could try working on your issue, and recommend where to better place your satellites as it's likely they are out of range.
#3 Updated by sal_vager about 8 years ago
- File deleted (
#4 Updated by sal_vager about 8 years ago
- File deleted (
HG-5 relay example.sfs)
#5 Updated by sal_vager about 8 years ago
- File HG-5 relay example.sfs HG-5 relay example.sfs added
- File screenshot78.png screenshot78.png added
Better pic and file.
#6 Updated by lipatden about 8 years ago
This is frustrating. In my save (which has mods) I saw the behaviour above, and moving the .cfg file did fix it. Moving it back now doesn't revert the behaviour, nor can I replicate in stock (without mods).
My apologies, I spent ten minutes on compiling and submitting a bug report that I now can't show any evidence for.
Please close this ticket. I must say though, the cfg is in the wrong folder anyway :)
#7 Updated by sal_vager about 8 years ago
I'll ask about moving the cfg, as the mu is in both and is redundant, thanks for the update lipatden.