Bug #13177
GetModuleMass is called constantly regardless of value returned by GetModuleMassChangeWhen
Parts that implement the IPartMassModifier interface have a GetModuleMass method which is expected to be called on the schedule specified by GetModuleMassChangeWhen. However, the method is called constantly even when GetModuleMassChangeWhen returns ModifierChangeWhen.FIXED or ModifierChangeWhen.STAGED. Based on the documentation, when using the FIXED schedule, the method should only be called once â when a vehicle is brought to the launch pad or runway. Similarly, on the STAGED schedule it should only be called immediately before and immediately after each staging event.
I have observed this behavior in both 1.2 and 1.2.1.
#1 Updated by rspeed over 7 years ago
This behavior is still present in 1.2.2.
#2 Updated by rspeed over 4 years ago
- Version changed from 1.2.1 to 1.9.1
- Expansion Core Game added
This is still happening in 1.9.1. Here's the stack trace:
SpeedyRockets.ModuleSpeedyBallast:GetModuleMass(Single, ModifierStagingSituation) Part:UpdateMass() Part:FixedUpdate()
Why is FixedUpdate calling UpdateMass? Isn't the entire point of that to not call it?