Feature #1314
Change LV-N Shroud to seperate horizontally
The fairings on the nuclear engines are different from the others in such a way that they split in half vertically, while fairings for other engines are hollow cylinders that are left behind when separated. These vertically splitting fairings consistently break nuclear engines off. There are ways around it, such as using a weaker, smaller separator, or separating while throttled up a certain amount, but these methods are not to be relied on. If the engines do survive the separation, one half of a fairing is often caught in between multiple engines. I consider this to be of high priority as it severely limits the usability of these engines, and because these engines are unparalleled with their fuel efficiency at this time.
#1 Updated by DannySwish over 11 years ago
The LV-N Atomic Rocket Motor is the booster in question, if that wasn't clear.
#2 Updated by Ted over 11 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
- Subject changed from Nuclear Engine Fairings Break Engine Off to Change LV-N Shroud to seperate horizontally
- Severity changed from High to Very Low
Thanks for reporting this issue. However, it is not strictly a bug as all behaviour is intended, it is more of a Feature Request. I've marked it as such and have decreased the Priority - unfortunately a minor issue with a known workaround* isn't high priority.
*The workaround being to simply edit out the shroud module from the Part cfg. (Not the best, but it works if you're clustering these bad boys.)
Again, much thanks for reporting it.
#3 Updated by triffid_hunter over 11 years ago
If you're placing the engines on a tri- or quad- adapter, simply rotate them by 45 degrees first by pressing shift+q (or e) 9 times
now the shrouds hit each other but not other motors
It would be nice for the model to be rotated 45 degrees so we don't have to work this out ourselves, but I don't mind the way the fairings eject.