


Feedback #13025

Craft "Windward Spirit" in Jool Aerobrake scenario seems to be out of date and easily loses parts aerocapturing

Added by Nebbie over 7 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

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Aside from the obvious of not having the new inflatable heatshield, the radiators don't help in aerocapturing because they just shear off or overheat (if they're just for the NERVs, I'm pretty sure they're massive overkill) and the protruding bits only don't blow up if you never wobble a little out of place from, say, attempting to timewarp (which seems to make the SAS unable to react in time to yaw/pitch forces).

If it's meant to be a pre-10m heatshield craft, then it should at least not have so many protrusions.


#1 Updated by sal_vager over 7 years ago

You just need to know how to handle her ;)

The solar panels and radiators need to be retracted, radiators don't really help with re-entry anyway as there needs to be somewhere for that heat to be expelled, and you can't dump your heat into plasma that is hotter than you are.

You'll want both SAS and RCS on, and SAS on prograde hold, a few parts do stick out sure but they won't get hot enough if you keep facing prograde, and they add to the effects.

You will also need to make sure you hit the atmosphere already facing forwards, if you're not then you will overheat as the ship tries to tack into the flow.

Also make a prayer to the Kraken, good luck!

#2 Updated by Nebbie over 7 years ago

I know, the problem is that the margins are incredibly slim due to a docking tower near the rear and the vernor mounting postions on the side, which go up to like 95% of max temperature if you stay perfectly still with SAS+RCS. The radiators just seem to be there to confuse, and could be replaced with smaller ones that would actually help keep the heat down.
This normally wouldn't be a problem, but something about the way the craft handles in 4x physics timewarp makes it yaw/pitch out of control, and a vernor will explode before you can correct that because of the incredibly narrow margins.

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