Bug #10195
PS4 Crash and Corrupted data
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On occasion, the game will crash without warning, potentially resulting in a corrupted save file. Also, I have experienced instances in which the game has been saved and exited properly and the resulting saved data is corrupt. If I had to guess, I would say that there is something wrong with the autosave method on the PS4. This is a truly gamebreaking bug, considering that it is inescapable due to the length of the game.
For additional reference, I have played the game for approximately 20 hours, and this issue has occurred three times. I do not recall the exact environment which has triggered this issue, but it seems to me that it happens most often upon switching from one environment to another. For instance, it will crash when switching from build mode to launch. Or, it will happen when switching from the orbital mode to a vessel close up.
Not every time the game has crashed has the saved data been corrupted. When the game has crashed, I have attempted to immediately power down my PS4 thorough the regular PS4 power down protocol using the controller. This usually results in a save file that is recoverable, and I am able to continue on with the game, but not from the exact same point. The game will have been reverted to a previous maneuver.
I don't know if it is of any consequence, but the only times that my saved data has been corrupted has been when the PS4 has finished its problem status report and has asked me if I would like to submit the issue.
Related issues
Updated by sal_vager over 8 years ago
- Related to Bug #10111: PS4 corrupt save files added
Updated by sal_vager over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Confirmed to Duplicate
- % Done changed from 10 to 100
This is being looked into, but the report is a duplicate of issue #10111
Adding as a related issue and marking as a duplicate.
Thanks for the report!