Bug #10171
Xbox One Loss of Save Data/Rollback
After a certain amount of saved vehicle files, the game will no load any type of new save file. This includes all quick saves, vessel saves, named saves and persistant save files. All you need to do to replicate is to create 10+ vehicles with a medium to high part count and then launch multiple ships. It will continue to allow you to save/load the game, but when the game is restarted, it will roll back to the point at which (I believe) the saved data bank was filled. Multiple users have reported this on the forums and many have confirmed that the only work around until a patch is to keep vessels at an absolute minimum. This is essentially, a game-breaker and I and many others feel that this bug should hold top priority over all of the current issues regarding the Xbox One.
Related issues
#1 Updated by Homedawgian over 8 years ago
After a certain amount of saved vehicle files, the game will no longer load any type of new save file. This includes all quick saves, vessel saves, named saves and persistant save files. All you need to do to replicate is to create 10+ vehicles with a medium to high part count and then launch multiple ships. It will continue to allow you to save/load the game, but when the game is restarted, it will roll back to the point at which (I believe) the saved data bank was filled. Multiple users have reported this on the forums and many have confirmed that the only work around until a patch is to keep vessels at an absolute minimum. This is essentially, a game-breaker and I and many others feel that this bug should hold top priority over all of the current issues regarding the Xbox One.
#2 Updated by roboflock over 8 years ago
- File Fri_Jul_29_11-02-49_CDT_2016.png Fri_Jul_29_11-02-49_CDT_2016.png added
- File Fri_Jul_29_11-03-07_CDT_2016.png Fri_Jul_29_11-03-07_CDT_2016.png added
Saved file rolls back to previous saved state.
Steps to replicate:
1) Start any mode
2) Build a spacecraft or airplane
3) Launch and go into orbit
4) Play for about 30-45 minutes
5) Return to space center
6) Save game within the pause menu
7) Quit to main menu
8) Use Xbox button to go to Xbox home
9) Press start while Kerbal Space Program is highlighted, then select "Quit" with the A button.
10) Start up KSP again
11) Load previously saved game
Expected: Starting your saved game where you left off
Result: Rolls back part of you saved progress
- Most of the time it reverts me back to a saved state before my last spaceship/airplane launch
- I have several ships saved (~20 ships) between my two save files (1 career and 1 sandbox)
#3 Updated by sal_vager over 8 years ago
- Related to Bug #10234: Game Crashing, Loss of Save added
#4 Updated by JBrace1990 over 8 years ago
Just want to add that I am also experiencing this issue.
This makes the game unplayable past a certain point, since when it crashes all data is lost. I have dealt with this 6 times already.
#5 Updated by sal_vager over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Ready to Test
- % Done changed from 0 to 80
Guys, how is it now with the patch?
#6 Updated by Squelch over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Ready to Test to Resolved
- % Done changed from 80 to 100
#7 Updated by Squelch over 7 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed