Bug #10116
PS4 Save Game Corruption - Possibly Caused by Subassemblies with Fairings
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Several times I've had save game corruption. In some cases it's been after a crash, in others it has occurred after normal exiting and reload. For the past six hours, I've tried to complete a build and save so that I could back up my construction, and the corruption error was happening every time I left the game. Now the situation seems to have been resolved.
I've only done two things differently that could be responsible for the fix:
1. I've deleted all additional quicksaves other than the default one titled "quicksave".
2. I had previously tried to save a subassembly of a staged rocket without a payload. I had done so by saving everything below the payload, including an AE-FF3 Airstream Protective Shell (3.75) with a built fairing. I've had no problems with fairings saved on my vehicles for days now, but the moment I put a subassembly in place that had one defined, it seems to corrupt my save. Now I save my fairing with the payload in the VAB, and create subassemblies for everything below the fairing and I've had no troubles.
Hopefully that helps, I love this game.
Related issues
Updated by LordMaim over 8 years ago
Edit: I was wrong. The issue is still present, and has gotten progressively worse. I still only have the one quicksave slot, have removed all of my subassemblies with fairings, and still have the corruption issue. In fact it's even worse now, happening about 19 times out of 20. I cannot progress in the game until the issue is addressed.
Updated by sal_vager over 8 years ago
- Related to Bug #10111: PS4 corrupt save files added
Updated by sal_vager over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Duplicate
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
This is being looked into, but the report is a duplicate of issue #10111
Adding as a related issue and marking as a duplicate.
Thanks for the report!