Feature #5005
Launch maneuver node
Maneuver nodes make navigating space easy but when it comes up to launching in a certain direction or to achieve certain orbit inclination when launching from landing site off the equator, it's all about guessing and making corrections while battling the gravity and trying to avoid crashing to the surface again, or about making costly corrections when the ship is safely in orbit.
I suggest implementing a "launch maneuver node", a maneuver that could be applied when the ship is landed.
It would be possible to place/move the maneuver around ship's "landed orbit": a circle centered on the rotational axis of the planet and going through the place where the ship is landed. Time to maneuver would be calculated as time it takes the planet rotation to bring the ship to the place where the maneuver is.
The impulse applied by the maneuver would be of course added to ship's "real orbit" (given by ship's altitude and planet's rotational speed at the place) at the place where the maneuver is placed.
There are two reasonable setups for handles of such maneuver:
Natural: prograde aiming east, radial out aming up
Intuitive: prograde aiming up, radial in aiming east